Job Interview

Describe your education

Your education level is different than what is typical for this type of job. Why are you interested?

Describe PV Components

How does SHW work?

What unit is electricity sold in?

How much do we pay per kWh?

Explain kW vs. kWh

How many kWh / kW for PV here?

Explain relationship A,V,W

Why should someone install PV?

Describe communication skills?

What Software have you worked with?


Residential Electrical

Commercial Electrical

Roofing Experience and comfort?

Fall Safety

PV Training

SHW Training


PV Experience

Lift Operator

PV Design / Assessment

Solar Pool

Series vs. Parrallel Test

Customer Service Experience


Have own tools

Volunteer with any NGOs (CE or Enviro)

Why Clean Energy?

Knowledge of FN / Indigenous Issues

What is long term goal?

When can you start?

Immigration Status

Current job

Why leaving

Also entrepenurial, how do you feel about that?