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744kWh, Innovative Energy Storage Solutions
by "Suzy@renonpower.com" <z1fkwh@aiyougousc.com> - 05-20-2024 08:15:44Hi VREC Solar,
Welcome to Renon Power's case!
Our energy storage solutions span from residential to large-scale commercial projects around the globe, each highlighting our dedication to sustainability and efficiency.
Take the Parkland Spar Project, for example, this project showcases our commitment to green energy.
With Renon Power's Estation, a powerful 744kWh energy storage system, we're transforming the local energy landscape.
The project features advanced Sinexcel 700kVA inverters, a 2000kVa Static Transfer Switch, and lithium iron phosphate battery cabinets, making it a model of reliability and eco-friendliness.

Contact us about how we can shape a greener future for your project!
Suzy Su | Sales Manager
Cell| WhatsApp: +86 15096055198
Renon Power Technology Inc.
Microgrid Energy Storage Division
15338 Central Ave, Chino CA91710, USA
Office: 048-971-6725